Resolution Madness | PhitZone

Resolution Madness

 Get your resolution on!

Stay on target

Keep your eye on the prize

A funny thing happens every year at this time.

You may start seeing it before Christmas, but it really becomes prevalent in the days coming up to the New Year.

Of course I’m talking about the ads for every gym in the area, and diet plan known to man.

I don’t fault businesses for trying to make a buck. The beginning of the year is typically how they cover their nut for the year. And I’m nothing if not a squirrel trying to get a nut.

It all comes down to those dreaded resolutions.

You know the ones.

After stuffing our faces (guilty) beginning at Halloween, and working forward, it’s not uncommon to have put on a few “winter” pounds.

Resolutions go beyond that.

It’s a time for new beginnings. You can wipe the slate clean, and start again.

The most common that I hear are to get in shape (like round isn’t a shape), to stop smoking, and to stop (or cut back) drinking/partying.

All good goals. How are you going to go about it though? It’s one thing to “begin again”, but are you going to set yourself up for failure or success?

Over the next few weeks we’re going to dig into this some more.

For now, think about what you want to change, and why.

Photo: Rafael Rezende


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2 Responses to “Resolution Madness”

  1. Mindi says:

    It’s pretty easy to make goals. Most just don’t take enough time to really think about the “how”. To simplify things, create small, specific, measurable goals that will set you up to accomplish your monster end goal. Write down the steps you need to take and refer to them often and check ‘em off as you go!

    Best wishes to you in 2012!


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  2. […] that we chatted I mentioned how many (ok, most) people come out of the holiday season ready to make New Year’s Resolutions. This time we’re going to dig a little […]

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